MultiTaction Video Table

We have 14 MultiTaction monitors in our studio which we use for test setups prior to installations. We have had various iterations of video walls to experiment with and lately have been re-working all of our old Unity projects into Touchdesigner projects. Our current version of the Multitaction table is a 3X1 video table.

Multitaction monitors have 24 internal cameras built inside of the displays so they are mostly seamless. No ugly bezels and give the ability to track fiducial tracker markers placed on the display. For past projects, such as Capital One, Bixbee and T-Mobile, we used our displays to allow guests to place tracker-marked items onto the screen to activate various information pre-registered to the guest.

In working with Touchdesigner, Brian has been focusing on the TUIO input from an unlimited touchpoints and sending that data directly to Touchdesigner through the Multitaction TUIO connection server. As we experiment with what is possible and how to better incorporate Touchdesigner, we’ll be able to create unlimited games and informational displays. Our goal is to track fiducial tracker markers to call up product info, etc.

Author: Brian Dressel


Custom Circuit Boards and vibrating helmets


Sliding monitor system